We have finally had good enough weather and a quiet enough river to venture out. We went a short 2 hour trip to Pangbourne, an easy and relaxing trip on The Thames. Our very good friends Marion and Phil had their first ever overnight trip out in their beautiful brand new Piper 65ft Dutch Barge and joined us in Pangbourne. We moored up together and created a pretty picture. We were lucky enough to be able to sit outside in some sunshine and sup some bubbly. We were celebrating Kev's definite retirement on 30th April...gulp!!!!
So our plans are coming together, a little quicker than we thought, which is perfect. It will give us time to get organised for our trip over to France. Kev has just sorted out his mobile phone, first ever phone he's had to pay for himself....this is going to be a shock to his system! (He is keeping the same mobile number he had at work which should be activated from 1st May)